Wednesday, February 17, 2010

here are some pics of Livvy on her first day of school!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Our ski holiday. The video of tristan says it all doesn't it
Apparently he wanted to continue skiing down the hill but the instructor told him it was time for morning tea....not happy.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Once again sorry for the delay in posting updates, I endevour to do more of it. Here is Tristan crawling for the first time (or there abouts) He is now a machine and gets about very quickly!! Also have attached cute photos of him and some of the lovely Olivia too! She is a bit blotchy at the moment so not taking the best photo!

The other video is Tristan's false start at crawling, he crawled into the coffee table!

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Meanwhile Peter is showing his more feminine side - there is nothing wrong with looking like Paris Hilton!! Poor petey! Annabelle will be done tomorrow night.

My cool celebrity look-alike collage from Get one for yourself.

I have had to get blogging for a few reasons...the main one is to reply to the nasty rantings of my borther in law - Mr Ken Taggart and his comments regarding my new hair styles that he would have people beleive look a lot like the lovely Ms Julia Gillard. This is not too insulting except i think I don't really look quite the 40+ that she is....however I am happy to be considered so smart!! I have invested in some substantial facial recognition software to try and gauge more accurately who I look like, and more pointedly, who Ken looks like - see the results below! I must say that I have always thought that Molly and I (shes a supermodel you know) have always been startling similiar - in fact, I thought they had had a pic of me on their file when the results came in!
My cool celebrity look-alike collage from Get one for yourself.

My cool celebrity look-alike collage from Get one for yourself.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Sorry for the long absence between posts but that is now my reality with two children!! busy Busy Busy! As is the lovely Olivia. she thinks herself as quite the artist and here is a little video to prove it. Had a good time at Easter, will post some photos of that later as I have to get back to do some work but this is so cute.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

here is a lovely shot of me and my boy! He is looking a little dazed and confused..poor lad!

Friday, January 12, 2007